Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Age of Skaven
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Age of Skaven
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This giant launch box is filled to the brim with 74 amazing new miniatures split between two factions.
Stormcast Eternals consists of 24 miniatures, with a command staff consisting of an Imperious Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-Staker, a Solemn Lord-Terminos with accompanying Memorian, a Lord-Veritant with Gryph-crow, and a Knight-Questor. The ranks are composed of 10 invincible Liberators, along with three battle-hardened Reclusians with their Memorians and three hovering Prosecutors.
Against them stand the treacherous Skaven. They are led by a wily Claw-lord on the Gnaw-Beast and a Gray Seer from the Masterclan, while a Warlock Engineer oversees the Skryre weapons. The crown jewel of this collection of chaotic contraptions is the Ratling Warpblaster, supported by three Warplock Jezzails. A truly impressive collection of 40 Clanrats make up the bulk of this vile horde, with three hulking Rat Ogres providing the muscle.